Saturday, September 4, 2010

Heres to new beginings !

     College for me is much more then an education. It is a place for questions and answers. It is a place of new beginnings and hope for a successful future. It is a place for me to meet new people that will hopefully transcend into life long relationships. Going to college is an experience that not everyone gets the chance to have and I know that I am lucky to have been granted this opportunity.

     Academically as a college student I know that I must stay on top of my work. I’ve had a week of classes so far and I think I’ve gotten a small taste of what the work is like here. I’ve decided that no matter what, school is always going to come first. I am dedicated to getting good grades and looking forward to learning.

     Socially as a college student I walked onto campus knowing no more then five people. Since I’ve been here I have already started making new friends. I’ve noticed that every relationship forming is different. I’ve found friends to do school work with, friends to go out with and friends to hang out in the dorm with. Most people here are from Connecticut but the school is so diverse. I have never had or even met so many people from different backgrounds striving for the same goal, an education, a better future and a happier life.

     I chose Southern because I walked on campus and fell in love. As I looked around and saw all of the students working, eating and talking to each other I knew I belonged there. I looked at other schools after I visited SCSU but no other campus felt right. Ever since I was young I would say that I wasn’t staying in Connecticut for college but Southern made me change my mind.

     I have set standards for myself and have many goals to accomplish throughout this college experience. First It is to keep at least a B average in every class. Any lower then that is unacceptable. I want to remain a psychology major and get involved on campus. I’m even looking into joining the Greek life. My number one goal is to stay on a good path. Many students get side tracked and peer pressured but I know better. I know the difference between right and wrong and I know that I will do anything it takes to do good in school and graduate.

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