Sunday, September 26, 2010

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” ~ Albert Einstein

Time is precious. It’s the easiest thing to throw away and use and unfortunately most people take it for granted. I however think of time as a gift and have learned to manage it. As a matter of fact if I didn’t manage my time I wouldn’t be doing as well as I am in school. I would rather download songs or watch television but along with time management comes prioritizing. Once my priorities are straight I am able to plan my week. Breakfast, class, lunch, homework, gym, dinner, shower, friends and sleep is my routine on a normal week. Sometimes I have so much homework that I need to cut out the exercise for the day. I remember for orientation our community coordinators acted out skits and the main theme in a bunch of them was time management. One in particular sticks out in my head. There were three students who like many of the people in this school, loved to party. They all went out together every night but there was one difference. While the other two were getting breakfast and hanging out in the morning their other friend was getting his school work and studying done. By the end of the semester the two who were just hanging out in the morning came out with a terrible grade point average and the one who would get his work done came out with a great grade point average. The moral of the story was that you can still go out and have fun with friends as long as your time is managed and work is done. I think I’m doing pretty well with the way I’ve been managing my time. Hopefully I continue to make the right choices now that I’m learning the ins and outs of this college experience.


  1. picture from..

  2. Great post. I like the way you incoporated the skit you saw at orientation. Just a note: GPA stands for grade point average.
