Friday, September 3, 2010

The Real Me !

          When I first read about this assignment I thought that it would be easy to sit down, pick five words that described me and write about them. I mean, who knows me better then I do? As I brainstormed ideas I came to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to do. I wondered how could I create a blog entry for my whole class to see and get them to understand who I am. How can five words explain eighteen years of life? After staring at a blank page on the computer screen for much longer then necessary, I began the journey to writing my first blog. I came up with five words that I believe give a good depiction of who I am.


     Growing up, especially through middle school I always felt I had to be perfect. The perfect daughter, the perfect sister, friend and student. I did exactly what i was told when I was told with no questions asked. I strived to be the best and tried to exceed every standard my parents had set for me. One day I realized that I was living how they wanted me to instead of how I wanted to. I learned to accept my imperfections because thats what makes me different from everyone else and being different is beautiful.

     Everyone has their own definition of love. I've come to realize that people abuse the word, use it as a weapon to make another person vulnerable or to get what they want. It's also used to show affection. The word love can be misused, but when used in the right context it can be the most powerful word in the world. I know that I am loved. I first learned the word when I was very young from a theme song on a t.v. show that I was obsessed with, Barney. My parents have always said it to me and that is where the foundation begins for my definition on love. There is one woman though who displays a perfect example of my take on love. She's always there for me and always has been. She's the kindest and most caring person i've ever met. She'll do anything for her family and she would give you the coat right off of her back if your were cold. She has the biggest heart and always finds it inside of her to forgive. She loves herself and she taught me that this is key to loving everyone else. Because of her, my Auntie Jane and the people I surround myself with, I know I am loved.

     Education is the key to success. Ever since I was three years old i've been going to school. I believe everyone should be given the right to an education. An education should not cost as much as it does. There are thousands of people out there willing to go to college and learn but are not fortunate enough to have the money to pay for it.

     Just like my father, I am very stubborn. I like to do things my way. I'm not saying this is always a good thing because most of the time I wind up finding things out the hard way. I need to learn from my mistakes on my own.

     We live our lives daily by a schedule and we walk around following a routine that either a teacher or a boss has set for us. We choose the roles we play. One outlook on all of the things that we do is that we do them because we want to. We're free. I'm free. We live in a society where we feel trapped and caged in when really we bring responsibilities upon ourselves. Imagine living as slaves? Life would be completely different and this is why being free is such a massive part of who I am.



    this is where i found the graduation picture.
