Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Suprising Connection

I’ve attended a few events here at the University but there is one in particular that sticks out in my mind. Throughout my high school career I was dedicated to the Holy Cross swim team in the fall and softball team in the spring. Since swimming took up most of my time I would miss all of the other sports games. When I got the chance I would attend the football games which all my friends went to on a weekly basis. I would be so excited when the schedule said I had a meet on Tuesday instead of Friday. That meant Frankie’s hot dogs and hot chocolate on a crisp fall night watching the HC Crusaders under the lights hopefully scoring to victory. When I got to Southern and was invited to go to the soccer game with my new friends I realized that I hadn’t been to one since I was eight years old and I was playing on the field myself. Being on a soccer team was short lived for me when every time someone would run at me I’d either freeze and get kicked in the shins or I would just leave the ball and run the opposite direction in fright. Going to the soccer game at SCSU was a new experience for me and I made a connection that I never thought I’d tell anyone about. As I watched the game I began to think about Outcasts United. How everyone on the soccer team at Southern all came from different states and towns and how the rival team probably didn’t know anything about Southerns players. They might know the positions faces and names of some of our players but how many really know them for who they are? That goes both ways, our team doesn’t know what the other has been through, the struggles, fights or strengths. I had fun at the soccer game, I myself met two new friends and enjoyed watching our team battle for victory.
Here is a link to catch up on our soccer teams quest to accomplishment! Go Owls!