Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Grade Inflation

After class on Tuesday I heard many different perspectives on the subject of grade inflation. Even though both the arguments have valid points I am still sticking to my grounds. Grade inflation is wrong. Students should work for the grades they earn. If teachers raise their grade then it is not the grade they earned. If teachers make a syllabus at the beginning of the year then they should stick to it no questions asked. I know a lot of students that work hard to keep an A. They follow the syllabus to the T and make sure every ounce of effort they have is put into the class. Then there are students who still put in effort just not as much and grade inflation helps them to wind up with the same grade? How is that even remotely right? It’s not.
One of my fellow classmates Shelby talked about how she was terrible at math. She failed a lot of the tests but still tried hard. Shelby went to the teacher after school and made sure he knew she was trying. By the end of the quarter he wound up raising her grade from a 40 to an 80. That is not fair for the people who worked for the B.
It is understandable that teachers want to help their students have a better future. Life is hard and the economy is terrible. Teachers are supposed to be preparing there students for the real world and by raising there grade that is just not helping.

1 comment:

  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_wSoONVcq6tg/SxFKdZjtcnI/AAAAAAAAGSk/Swcflh0Ue44/s1600/grade_inflation_use.jpg
