Saturday, November 27, 2010

chomp chomp [chomp]

As I type this I am sitting next to my friend PJ. We're watching a movie and he's eating cool ranch Doritos. He has known me for three years now and he knows that one thing I hate the most is when people chew loud. Since he discovered that this was my pet peeve he has found it funny to chew loudly and he now enjoys watching me cringe from the sound. I don’t know why this bothers me so much. Maybe it’s because when I was younger my mom use to lay next to me in bed and chomp away on her crisp salad. Maybe its because I was forced to sit across the dinner table from my father as he talked to the family with a mouth full of food. Whatever it is the sound of chewing creeps me out. Of course one can not always help the crisp crunchiness of all foods such as celery. I would just highly prefer that it not be eaten around me. Now this isn’t an easy request to follow, if someone asked me not to eat in the same room as them for that reason I’d probably laugh in their face. For that purpose I have learned to cope with my problem and just hope that there are other distractions in the room to keep my ears from hearing that repulsive noise. I’ve caught myself at restaurants many of times wanting to jump across the room at someone who so rudely is chewing their food with their mouth open. Food is great but I don’t need to see it or hear it slapping around in someone else’s mouth. Now as I sit here listening to the Doritos being eaten I think I will help myself to some. Remember chew with your mouth closed kids!

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