Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A dream with a finish line

Goals. Throughout my life I have made many goals, some I achieved and some I didn’t. A goal can also be thought upon as a dream with a finish line. I think success comes from having goals and then working to accomplish them. I’ve made some goals for myself for next semester that I plan on sticking to.

My academic goals have two elements to them. One is to stay more organized. I am the type of person to keep everything clean and put together but once I let a couple things get out of place it seems everything comes out of place and I’m left with a mess of papers, pens and notebooks. Therefore I plan on keeping everything neat without letting anything get out of place and hopefully that helps me to stay organized. The second academic goal I have is to raise my GPA higher then it was this semester. I’m not saying that I didn’t do well this semester because I have been trying very hard but it would just be nice to know that I have the ability to strive for that and actually be able to obtain the GPA I’m looking for.

Personally my goal for next semester is to start going to the zumba and kick boxing classes that they have every night in the gym at the student center. I went to a couple in the beginning of the semester but my friends weren’t as into it as I was and they stopped going. Once they stopped I didn’t want to go alone so I stopped going. I regret that and plan to start again as soon as next semester hits.

Last but not least I have a very important social goal for myself next semester. My roomate left this semester because she was homesick. I live by myself now because she just couldn’t take being away from home. Her and I first met on move in day and we got along really well but towards the middle of the semester we started having problems. A different girl is assigned to my room next semester and I am making it a goal of mine to try really hard to get to know he and try my best to get along with her. I think I need to be more accepting of how she feels and I learned this because my roomate was not accepting with how I was feeling.

*My new roommate Shelby!

Hopefully I can accomplish my goals. I won’t stop for anything because success doesn’t just happen you have to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/goals.jpg&imgrefurl=http://mashable.com/2010/05/28/customer-service-social



