Tuesday, December 7, 2010

success vs failure

Failures: I think my biggest failure of this semester was when I first came to Southern Connecticut. I freaked out and made myself a nervous wreck. I didn’t take tests as well as I know how to and I just completely overwhelmed myself. My high school had prepared me for college but when I got here I lost my mind, everything I was taught in the past four years had just gone out the window. I think if I wasn’t so nervous the first couple weeks I would have ended up doing a little bit better this semester.

Weakness: My number one weakness was probably the campus safaris. I’m still not finished with them and its really bothering me that I might not be able to finish them all in time. I thought it was hard to complete all of the sixteen items on the list.

Successes: My biggest success was imovie. I never thought I’d be able to use technology in such a fun way and its amazing to see what the video comes out to look like in the end. Another success that I found myself accomplishing this semester was speaking. I am much more comfortable speaking in front of my class and doing presentations. I thank my inquiry class for this because it all started when I was able to let everyone see me being silly in the first group video that we did. I look at this semester successfully as a whole because I worked hard through all the obstacles and challenges thrown my way and it all showed in the end. I am open to new things, my study habits are better and I’m learning to adapt quicker to change.

1 comment:

  1. http://globaltrendtraders.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/success-and-failure-sign.jpg
