Saturday, December 4, 2010

this semester!

I believe my english/Inq class is very special. At the begining of the semester I don't think any of us had ever met before and yet we came together as if we've known eachother for years. We've spent countless hours doing the same assignments and working on the same papers. During Lee time we talk about things that we normally wouldn't have said if Lee wasn't asking us. I've learned a lot from each and every person in that class. I've learned to interact with different personalities and I've gotten close to some people that I wouldn't have expected to be close with. Also we all had to learn how to cope with being thrown into a real world experience for a couple of hours and that is probably one thing I will never forget. That day my class and I saw what it was like to be thrown into a succeed of fail enviornment. We shared some funny laughs and we all had butterflies in our stomachs when we weren't sure if we'd finish on time. I'm going to miss a lot about this class. I'm going to miss the people but i'm especially going to miss our talks. In that class we can be silly but at the same time we can be serious and thats what I love about it. I'm happy I had the opportunity to meet such awesome people this semester and thanks for such a fun time class! :)

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