Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final assessment

            I remember the day I enrolled as a student at Southern Connecticut State University. My high school offered an opportunity for on the spot admission. I met with a representative from Southern and they either accepted me or rejected me right then and there. This decision depended on if I was the type of student that met the schools requirements. Well, as it turned out, I was the type of student that the representative from Southern thought would be a good fit for the University. That was one of the most nerve racking days of my high school career. Now here I stand, a freshman at Southern just finishing up my first semester.
       Since my arrival at Southern Connecticut State University I have had some positive experiences throughout my first semester and some negative ones as well. At first, I was unsure of what to think of the English and Inquiry classes being combined. I wasn’t sure if I was going to get along with the group of people that were in both classes. As it turned out, I have developed some great relationships with the students in these classes, that will continue now that the classes are completed. It also made me more comfortable as a public speaker because we all became very comfortable with each other and that made it easy to present in front of a group.
       Another experience that I had that was helpful but difficult for me was the Campus Safarais. With my class work from my other classes it was hard to get to all sixteen assignments on time. The Campus Safaris did help me get to know the campus better and to experience parts of the school campus that I might not have known about. Going to a SCSU football game was a lot of fun and I got to meet new people and a free foam finger!! GO OWLS!!!
       My blogs helped me in different ways. At first, I hated the idea of posting a blog to write about things that I never found important. Having to actually write them made me reflect on the importance of the topics that were assigned. Now that I am finished with my blog, I can look back and see how much I have grown and improved.
       I tried to start off using Windows Movie Maker and I gave up. It was difficult and confusing. When Jennifer presented the I MOVIE to the class, I decided to give that a try. I became really comfortable using it and I enjoyed making all three of the movies that I had to make this semester. My favorite was my negotiator movie.
       One thing I had trouble with starting college was following the syllabuses given to me by each professor. Unlike high school some teachers don’t tell you when assignments are due of ever the day of tests and quizzes. I got a wake up call the first time I was supposed to read an assignment in inquiry and I hadn’t known because I didn’t check the syllabus. The next day when the class was having a discussion on the reading and I had no idea what they were talking about, I got a wake up call. That day I took each of my syllabuses and wrote down in my planner the dates of my assignments, tests and quizzes.
       Since I’ve had a taste of college life I’ve come to find that I don’t really know who I am yet. I may present myself differently but when it comes down to it this semester I already have discovered some things that I never thought I’d be doing. Things such as being so open to new people, being able to create my own movie, and managing my time so well. I’ve changed a lot since August. Inquiry has made me a more rounded person not only in the class room but in real life too. I now listen to both sides of the story and try to look at the whole picture rather then just having my own small perspective and my own bias opinion. I know that I’m on the right path by attending Southern Connecticut State University. I feel like I’m making my mother proud being her first child to attend college. Inquiry has taught me a lot of things to steer me towards a successful future.

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