Saturday, October 30, 2010

Enter at your own risk

Nightmares. I've been having nightmares ever since I left the trail of terror last weekend. Goblins, monsters, ghosts, clowns, mummies, the living of the dead all attended. As I waited in line all I kept saying was that I knew I shouldn't have come. I love halloween, the part where people can dress up to be different, I like the pumpkins and the individuality. What I don't like is to be scared, some people find that funny but i am not one of them. My friends convinced me to go, I've always strayed away from things like that, haunted hay rides, fright nights but I figured i'd give it a try. I payed $20 at a ticket booth that said enter at your own risk hoping I wouldn't regret it. After waiting in the hour and a half line we entered. Squeezing my best friends arm off we both walked in not knowing what to expect. A couple minutes into it we were attacked by clowns with blood all over their faces. They thought it was funny we were scared so they kept antagonizing us. As we got farther down the trail the people behind us got quite a laugh out of our screaming and eventually running looking for the exit. When it was over my friends and I laughed at how we must of looked when we were reacting to everything around us. It didn't take away from the fact i'm still having nightmares though! I'm happy I tried something new and got to spend quality time with my friends.

Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal" -Hannah More

I am very happy with my midterm grades this semester. I wasn't sure what to expect and got butterflies before each test. I studied hard for each one but I felt I was over thinking and stressing myself out way to much. I wound up with all A's and one B. I went to a presentation in my hall on how to manage stress and how to manage time wisely during exam weeks. It really helped me. It was fun and refreshing. They gave us stress reliever balls and goodie bags with smart food in them.

I'm very hard on myself and I push myself to do the best I can. Everyone knows it's hard to make sacrifices and prioritize, making school work come before everything else. My goals for next semester is to attend every class no matter what the circumstance and hand in every assignment on time. I haven't missed TOO many classes this semester but my goal for the rest of it is to not miss one. My next goal is to try to calm down ad relax. Make some me time because I feel like I spend a lot of my time making other people happy. My goals are set and i plan on reaching them. Heres a link to a very inspiring song.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grade Me

Different students have many different preferences. Some people are good at math and some are better at reading or writing. In my opinion it is hard to get a grade in something you are not interested in. Learning a subject one is not fond of may take away from the amount of work a student puts in to that class. Now onto the matter of grading. I believe just like some others that if a student attends every class, reads the readins and hands in assignments on time then they deserve a B. If I did all of that stuff and got a C I would be pretty upset. It's not easy to hand in every single assignment on time or go to every single class. Of course things do come up. My 2nd blog is late today because a member of my family passed away yesterday which was when i was planning on submitting this. My whole family is at my house today but this is helping me take my mind off things. As I was saying each grade depends upon the teacher. I can put as much work as I can into my math class and get an A+ but then I could put just as much work into my english class and get a B-. Normally a teacher will set his or her standards at the begining of the semester in their syllabus. It is up to the student to follow it and if they do I believe they deserve a good grade.

I found a video on youtube that shows how to get a good grade. Take a look.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Inquiry Midterm Project.

here is a form of cyber bullying

this is an example of facebook affecting a students grades

Don't text and drive!

The interviewing process for this project was nerve racking. My class and I had to interview teachers, C.Cs and friends questions on a topic that we had chosen. I chose the dangers of technology. My first stop was the computer lab on the 4th floor of the library. I had found 2 people I thought would fit the job to be interviewed and yet they refused to go on camera. Nevertheless I found two new teachers who worked there way into my video just fine. This is the longest i've ever worked on a project in my life and i'm hoping everyone enjoys. What is your opinion on technology? Maybe your opinions will change after you watch my video. ENJOY!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Must Be The Money

Growing up my parents and everyone else around me would use the term "poor college student." I figured that would never be me, I'd just save up all my money and be a "rich college student." Now that I am actually here, that is no longer the case. I worked all summer and bought myself a lap top which I feel is a necessity to have. My bank account quickly went from being full to being quite empty. I was happy with my purchase up until I wanted to go out and realized it was almost impossible with out some form of money. My parents and I both have loans and are already paying a lot for me to go to this school so you can only imagine their response when I ask for "going out money." So I now have the title in which i'd never thought i'd take, I am a "poor college student." This term and new name that I have been given does not satisfy me what so ever. Therefore I decided to take action. I know it's too late to get a job on campus, its practically impossible. I still applied online for next semester though. The other day I walked to Dunkin Donuts down the street and applied there. I got an interview and i'm so nervous/excited. I hope all goes well and I get the job! Wish me luck!

A new addition!

I think Lee is really great. She brings a new taste to the class. At first I wondered why she was coming into our class so late in the semester and plus we were doing fine without her. As she started telling us about her life I realized that she was a really cool person. She relates to us and shes not afraid to admit her mistakes.
The first day she came in she told us we didn't have to listen and if we wanted we could just leave, I couldnt do that. Something just told me to stay and i'm glad I did. I saw Lee today in Chase Hall. I stopped and we had a conversation. She makes me feel really comfortable and if I ever need someone to talk to she puts it out there that my class and I can always count on her. Lee suggested we write a bucket list of all the things we want to do before we die. As I thought about it I realized how long my list was and what little time I have. I like how Lee makes us think about stuff like that. The other day she asked us to write an "I am" poem. Thats another activity that caught my interest because in reality I don't know who I am yet. I'm excited to see what else Lee has in store for my class. I'm really happy to have met her!

We were supposed to participate in the free hugs campaign but it turned out we weren't allowed to. When Lee told us about it she played this video. I love it. I think everyone should watch it and I hope it puts a smile on everyones face like it does for me.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

this is what I want.

I was sitting at the dinner table with my family a month before I packed my bags and left for Southern Connecticut State University. My dad asked me why I chose psychology for a major. I told him I wanted to be a negotiator. He shook his head at me and told me thats not what I want and that it most likely will never happen. Hes wrong. Thats exactly what I want and to be honest have always wanted since I was little. A negotiator is someone who saves people being held hostage even if they're up at gun point. To do this you must have a four year degree in psychology and you must be a cop first.

I've always loved rushes, I thrive off adrenaline. I've always loved bungee jumping, wind surfing and rollercoasters. Don't get me wrong I know that it doesnt compare to being held up at gun point but I also have another quality which pulls me closer to wanting to become a negotiator. I read people really well. When someone does something I try and figure out why they do it. To me, there is a reason for everything, theres a reason I ate what I ate for dinner and theres a reason im writing this blog.

My friends come to me a lot with their problems. They know how I am, how i am always trying to figure things out and read people. A lot of the time when i'm in class I will watch what people are saying and their body language just trying to figure them out. Psychology is the study and science of human behavior and that is what I am intersted in. My dad has always tried to protect me which is why he doesn't want me to give this a shot. I'm not going to let anything or anyone get in the way of this. This is what I want.


There are all different types of blogs on the internet. A good blog will be informative and interesting. If the blogger doesnt like what they have to write about then their finished post will probably not be anything worth reading. Personally my favorite blogs are written with emphasis and personality, so much that when reading you can almost hear the writer talking. One of the bloggers in my class writes this way. DJs Blog is filled with his opinions. He makes it funny and personal by calling himself captain DJ.
Also good blogs catch attention. The title has to be creative. There has to be a main subject and the reader has to be able to know what the blogger is talking about. Also good blogs include pictures and links. If I clicked on a blog with no pictures and a whole bunch of paragraphs I probably wouldn't read it. A good blog has consistency. If one week I have a post that I didnt feel like writing and the next week I wrote away, thats not being consistent. Themes make blogs intesresting too along with color schemes. The better it looks the more views a blog might have.

It was hard to choose my favorite blog after I looked at each one but I finally made my decision. My favorite blog is Alexis blog. I love how she starts off some of her blogs with quotes. Each post seems to be well written and informative. My favorite post of hers was Petrone in your heart. You could tell she was passionate about what she was writing. Also I love her titles, the way she starts them with her last name. All in all a good blog needs three things, an opinion, visuals and creativity.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


For my project I chose Technology. It has become such an uprising epidemic in our world and is constantly changing. It took me a while to pick an inquiry question but I chose one that I find interest in. My question is; What would happen raising a child with no technology in a technologically advanced world?
It’s going to be hard for me to interview people I don’t know. I am at a family party right now and I brought up the topic as we all sat down to the dinner table. I asked them the question and they all started laughing. As they thought about it each one made a comment that had something in common. They thought the child would have a lot of anxiety. They said that if their children were to not have technology it would be depriving them to basically access the world. They said that it was different in their age because cell phones were just coming out and every one in fifteen people had a computer in their home.
I know for a fact that I will be interviewing my psychology professor. He has a different outlook on life and I am interested in hearing what he has to say. I’ve been preparing some questions for him. I am also thinking about visiting the children development center. I’m sure they know a lot about the effects of technology on children.
For my professor:
Did you grow up with technology in your home?
Do you think you would be different today if you grew up as a child in 2010?

Those are just some ideas. This to me is a challenging project since I’m not used to video taping people I don’t know. I’m sure everything will work out for the better though!

A Suprising Connection

I’ve attended a few events here at the University but there is one in particular that sticks out in my mind. Throughout my high school career I was dedicated to the Holy Cross swim team in the fall and softball team in the spring. Since swimming took up most of my time I would miss all of the other sports games. When I got the chance I would attend the football games which all my friends went to on a weekly basis. I would be so excited when the schedule said I had a meet on Tuesday instead of Friday. That meant Frankie’s hot dogs and hot chocolate on a crisp fall night watching the HC Crusaders under the lights hopefully scoring to victory. When I got to Southern and was invited to go to the soccer game with my new friends I realized that I hadn’t been to one since I was eight years old and I was playing on the field myself. Being on a soccer team was short lived for me when every time someone would run at me I’d either freeze and get kicked in the shins or I would just leave the ball and run the opposite direction in fright. Going to the soccer game at SCSU was a new experience for me and I made a connection that I never thought I’d tell anyone about. As I watched the game I began to think about Outcasts United. How everyone on the soccer team at Southern all came from different states and towns and how the rival team probably didn’t know anything about Southerns players. They might know the positions faces and names of some of our players but how many really know them for who they are? That goes both ways, our team doesn’t know what the other has been through, the struggles, fights or strengths. I had fun at the soccer game, I myself met two new friends and enjoyed watching our team battle for victory.
Here is a link to catch up on our soccer teams quest to accomplishment! Go Owls!