Saturday, October 30, 2010

Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal" -Hannah More

I am very happy with my midterm grades this semester. I wasn't sure what to expect and got butterflies before each test. I studied hard for each one but I felt I was over thinking and stressing myself out way to much. I wound up with all A's and one B. I went to a presentation in my hall on how to manage stress and how to manage time wisely during exam weeks. It really helped me. It was fun and refreshing. They gave us stress reliever balls and goodie bags with smart food in them.

I'm very hard on myself and I push myself to do the best I can. Everyone knows it's hard to make sacrifices and prioritize, making school work come before everything else. My goals for next semester is to attend every class no matter what the circumstance and hand in every assignment on time. I haven't missed TOO many classes this semester but my goal for the rest of it is to not miss one. My next goal is to try to calm down ad relax. Make some me time because I feel like I spend a lot of my time making other people happy. My goals are set and i plan on reaching them. Heres a link to a very inspiring song.



  2. Lovely and great things ...i know you can...
    i have also something to say that dream also not like a to take easily bargar,,,

    but i know that i am not able to complete my dream ..but i will..
    and i am happy with my dream
    coz High dream always takes time... to come with in your hand.
    if someone want to follow my dream ...he'll say that he was a great guy who saw this dream .....every 1 are not worth to do it.

