Saturday, October 9, 2010

this is what I want.

I was sitting at the dinner table with my family a month before I packed my bags and left for Southern Connecticut State University. My dad asked me why I chose psychology for a major. I told him I wanted to be a negotiator. He shook his head at me and told me thats not what I want and that it most likely will never happen. Hes wrong. Thats exactly what I want and to be honest have always wanted since I was little. A negotiator is someone who saves people being held hostage even if they're up at gun point. To do this you must have a four year degree in psychology and you must be a cop first.

I've always loved rushes, I thrive off adrenaline. I've always loved bungee jumping, wind surfing and rollercoasters. Don't get me wrong I know that it doesnt compare to being held up at gun point but I also have another quality which pulls me closer to wanting to become a negotiator. I read people really well. When someone does something I try and figure out why they do it. To me, there is a reason for everything, theres a reason I ate what I ate for dinner and theres a reason im writing this blog.

My friends come to me a lot with their problems. They know how I am, how i am always trying to figure things out and read people. A lot of the time when i'm in class I will watch what people are saying and their body language just trying to figure them out. Psychology is the study and science of human behavior and that is what I am intersted in. My dad has always tried to protect me which is why he doesn't want me to give this a shot. I'm not going to let anything or anyone get in the way of this. This is what I want.

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