Saturday, October 9, 2010


There are all different types of blogs on the internet. A good blog will be informative and interesting. If the blogger doesnt like what they have to write about then their finished post will probably not be anything worth reading. Personally my favorite blogs are written with emphasis and personality, so much that when reading you can almost hear the writer talking. One of the bloggers in my class writes this way. DJs Blog is filled with his opinions. He makes it funny and personal by calling himself captain DJ.
Also good blogs catch attention. The title has to be creative. There has to be a main subject and the reader has to be able to know what the blogger is talking about. Also good blogs include pictures and links. If I clicked on a blog with no pictures and a whole bunch of paragraphs I probably wouldn't read it. A good blog has consistency. If one week I have a post that I didnt feel like writing and the next week I wrote away, thats not being consistent. Themes make blogs intesresting too along with color schemes. The better it looks the more views a blog might have.

It was hard to choose my favorite blog after I looked at each one but I finally made my decision. My favorite blog is Alexis blog. I love how she starts off some of her blogs with quotes. Each post seems to be well written and informative. My favorite post of hers was Petrone in your heart. You could tell she was passionate about what she was writing. Also I love her titles, the way she starts them with her last name. All in all a good blog needs three things, an opinion, visuals and creativity.

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