Saturday, October 16, 2010

Must Be The Money

Growing up my parents and everyone else around me would use the term "poor college student." I figured that would never be me, I'd just save up all my money and be a "rich college student." Now that I am actually here, that is no longer the case. I worked all summer and bought myself a lap top which I feel is a necessity to have. My bank account quickly went from being full to being quite empty. I was happy with my purchase up until I wanted to go out and realized it was almost impossible with out some form of money. My parents and I both have loans and are already paying a lot for me to go to this school so you can only imagine their response when I ask for "going out money." So I now have the title in which i'd never thought i'd take, I am a "poor college student." This term and new name that I have been given does not satisfy me what so ever. Therefore I decided to take action. I know it's too late to get a job on campus, its practically impossible. I still applied online for next semester though. The other day I walked to Dunkin Donuts down the street and applied there. I got an interview and i'm so nervous/excited. I hope all goes well and I get the job! Wish me luck!


